The third eye has always been popular amongst the 7 psychic centers of the human psychic body. Priests, religious folks and even the atheists have been fascinated by its ability, its purpose and what it eventually stands for.
Many people have come to wish for theirs to be activated, but majority of these people are unaware of what it actually is and what it represents, they just know that the third eye is a sort of spiritual eye located at the center of our forehead and so they think or believe that those with an active third eye can see visons beyond human comprehension, but are they right?Â
Well, to my understanding, the third eye is capable of sensing light forms beyond the third dimension, while our two eyes can only see or detect light waves at a wavelength between 380 to about 750 nanometers. In terms of frequency, this corresponds to a band in the vicinity of 400–790 terahertz. These boundaries are not sharply defined and may vary per individual, but at least you can see the limit of the human eye.
Now imagine if there are beings whose frequencies are beyond 1000 tera hertz, that means we cannot see them with our regular eyes, however, such limits can be increased if the person’s third eye is active, and well-functioning, one would see spectrums of light waves above the 790 hertz, with the third eye active, one becomes clairvoyance, meaning you can see things humans cannot see and can hear sounds above the normal human frequency.
For instance, when it comes to sound, humans can detect sound at a frequency range from about 20 Hz to 20 kHz. (Human infants can hear frequencies slightly higher than 20 kHz but lose some high-frequency sensitivity as they mature; the upper limit in average adults is often closer to 15–17 kHz.) but if that person’s third eye is open and active, they can hear sounds above their limits.
The third eye is the sixth psychic center in your body, it can’t activate if the rest (from the first to the fifth psychic centers) are blocked or inactive. To activate or awaken your third eye, you must awaken all five.Â
To do that, you must be introduced to certain techniques, along with some principles, and spiritual knowledge about each psychic centres, you must them to allow the flow of cosmic energy through each of your chakras (psychic centers).
So, as it is; that is what I teach in my advanced spiritual discourses created for spiritual awakening, I made them that way because of the dangers involved with using drastic methods without following the due processes involved to open the third eye. To do this in real-time, one must stat by opening the lower psychic centers first, from the root to the crown, then raising one’s psychic energy or kundalini energy up above the crown.
NOTE: Within this article, I shall sometimes refer to this as cosmic energy, and at other times, I shall also use the word psychic energy, note that they all mean the same thing.
Let me add this; what do you think about a man who is considered psychotic, who sees people and places others don’t see, who lives in their own little or powerful world which you don’t see, therefore since they are living outside of our reality, they are then considered man, psychotic or insane.
How do you tell if someone is gone mad, or are they really mad in the first place or it’s just a circumstance of a misplaced consciousness from our reality into another and so they cannot fully exist here with us, they are here yet their subconscious mind exists somewhere else. How do you know the difference between a mad man and a spiritualist, you will have to note that, the mad man cannot tell which dimension it is from the other, he can’t tell who is a physical or spiritual beings, he can’t tell when he is seeing the past or present, he is lost from our world but living a normal life in another reality.
An experienced spiritualist on the other hand, he/she knows when his consciousness is shifting from his reality, and when that happens, he stays calm, with constant focus on the physical reality while at the same time observing the rest of the realities opening before him, he/she would know the difference between a physical being and a spiritual one.
To restore a mad man, you must reinstate him into this reality by switching his subconscious mind from the other reality he finds himself, back into this physical reality, then cut off all his connections with the other realities, and he will be fine, but that task depends on the mad man, he has to know that he isn’t here with us, and he needs to want to return, now, that’s the reason why it is hard to cure some, cos, they don’t have the will to return, and they don’t know the truth about what’s here and what is not here. To help him know that he isn’t here, he really needs to be sedated, then first his third eye needs to be closed or blocked, with that he will regain his will to choose whether to be helped or not…
SEE ALSO: LOVERS TIPS AND FANTASIES; From the Hidden Diary (e-Zine Edition) – By Knight Fredel
As it is, some of you are unaware of what the psychic centers are, while some of you do, just that you may have known them with other names, ok, your psychic centers are energy portals or ports in your body, they are part of your psychic body but connected to the physical body via the endocrine.
The psychic body, or Light body is the spiritual body which houses your souls consciousness, that body takes the form of the last or present physical body which the person inhabits, for example, if you leave this world at the time of death, your light body will take the form of this physical body of yours, and the cloth it wears will be the cloth you wore last, so your psychic body, or light body is your real body as it is, it houses the soul consciousness and it incarnates into a physical body at the time of birth in order to experience life in this dimensions to those who do not know, I guess now you know what it is.
So, there are seven major psychic centers in the body, the easterners call them chakras, and they are attached with the seven endocrine glands, for example, the sixth psychic center (the third eye) is attached with the pineal gland. Even this gland takes the shape of an eye.
Researchers have taught these glands to be the actual psychic centers, well, it is okay to say they are, but what I know is, they are the ports connecting to the psychic centers themselves, through them we now have access to the psychic centers.
So, to those who wants to awaken their third eye, this article is for you, to show you that, the reason why you have been trying many times with little or no success in activating the third eye is because, you are passing through the wrong path, I understand those are the paths available to you, but today I’m sure you have discovered a new one.
To open your third eye, you need to awaken your 5 psychic centers before it, and to do that you need to get busy with spiritual knowledge about life and this realities of life from the physical to the spiritual realities, you need to study each one at a time before the other, because each dimension is connected with each of the psychic centers.
You see, the psychic centers are like a portal, or a port which awakens some sort of energy in you, connects you with a particular spiritual reality, and gives you some spiritual awareness, and each of these psychic centers are influenced by each zodiacal signs and planets, they are all connected, this is why some sacred texts says the universe is within you, the planets the sun etc. are within us all, and as above so below, the microcosm and the macrocosm, they are all connected.
Accordingly, there are a few steps of knowledge one needs to know, to help you climb up, one after the other until you get to the sixth and then the seventh, by the time you do all these successfully, you will attain enlightenment, you will become one with the light.
However, those who open their third eye forcefully using some quick means, who didn’t attain enlightenment and spiritual knowledge attached with each psychic centers, they all failed, some succeeded in awakening the third eye using those means and they eventually destroyed their sanity along the line.
What use is the third eye if you can’t use it for the purpose of spiritual enlightenment?
Some just want to open it so they will be tagged as being spiritual since they will become clairvoyant and able to see and hear what is highly above the normal human comprehension, so with this, I hereby ask, why do you want to awaken yours?
We all have our reasons, but then, if truly your reasons are pure, then you must learn patience and focus on the process of awakening, which of course isn’t so easy.
A psychic center is like a closed flower petal; the first, or root, must be opened, and when it is, psychic energy flows through it leading to the next psychic center. Once it reaches the second psychic center, it waters it, allowing it to open as if it were a newly opened flower. This goes on and on through every psychic center in the body, the first, like I said must be opened before that energy can flow through into the next psychic center, and ones that energy touches it, it awakens, it goes on and on until all psychic centers are opened. You cannot do otherwise.
I repeat, you cannot awaken the 5th or 6th psychic centers if the ones lower are not opened, and when you use forceful means, you create energy blockage which will damage your psychic centers and in some cases such a forceful means can make one go psychotic, depending on the psychic center which one is trying to awaken with force.
To open the third eye, we must also know how it works and what influences its activation, most especially the flow of energy fields through each and every psychic centers in the body, awakening each one it touches, that energy flow is one of the most important spiritual mediums in the body, the ancients depict this energy field as two snakes coiled upon each other moving upwards in a form resembling the DNA strands….
This energy field emanates from the psychic body of a person, its purpose is to touch and awaken each and every psychic center in the body, then lock up at the top of the crown which is the 7th psychic center, the moment it gets there, the person receives a form of spiritual awakening, at that point he or she is considered a Master of the spiritual craft and an enlightened one. See the image on your left, above.
People hardly get to this stage of awakening, except spiritual teachers and light workers because to maintain an energy flow, one must be disciplined in many ways, you must rise above the seven transgressions to be able to get there, these seven transgressions include pride, envy, hate, jealousy, anger, lies, and greed, then one must know the 7 steps to sacred enlightenment, which is duty, charity, temperament, love, justice, truth and patience. Honestly, these are not so easy to achieve.
I remember when I was learning to master Spirituality and its sub-courses like alchemy and metaphysics, I had to pass through such tests and trials before being ordained a light worker, it was a step to enlightenment, however one must be ready to attain an elevated level of discipline.
The people of this generation hardly understand what patience is, for they are usually in a hurry to get quick results, and that is how they end up destroying themselves. The masters are being careful though to avoid such knowledge from being passed down to one with an ulterior motive, because if truly you are impure, these tests and principles will become difficult for you to pass.
Some Christians for instance follow their religious rules and laws but skip a lot, the only choose whichever principles that favour them, even these seven transgressions are known as the seven deadly sins in the bible, depicted in the book of revelation as the seven headed dragon rode by a woman. The dragon represents your ego, the woman riding the dragon is you, while the seven heads are the seven deadly sins, or the seven transgressions as known in spirituality. It is said in spiritual knowledge that you must learn to ride your dragon; you do not let your dragon ride you, always be in control of your ego, that ego is the dragon, and it has 7 heads, which one is pride, I already mentioned the others.
There are men out there who you can tell are being controlled by their ego, their dragon, In the mystery schools when a student-member is gradually being rode by his ego, the master will call him out in order to advise him to watch his or her dragon, then at that moment, the student will become aware of himself, and then try to adjust through meditation.
So, the question is, do people really seek enlightenment or they just want spiritual powers, nevertheless spiritual powers via the path of light cannot be achieved without attaining enlightenment, and enlightenment cannot be attained without passing through tests and trials to prove you can wield it.
Back to where we were concerning the psychic centers and its energy fields which flows through each and every psychic centers in the body, the eastern countries refer to these energy fields as the kundalini serpents, I am sure some of you may have heard that name before. It is the energy field which awakens each and every psychic center as it flows upwards from one to the other, and according to the eastern spiritual know-how, the psychic centers are also known as chakras in eastern spirituality.
Ok, there is something I said in an earlier publication, it was from the article on The Secret of the 12 Zodiacs, read the following to understand more about the psychic centers located within the endocrine glands in your body, and see how they relate to fate, the zodiac, and the planets:
Since we have discussed the Zodiac subject to some depth, I am confident that you have a good understanding of it, and that you have also noticed that it has a considerable impact on our life journeys. A horoscope even predicts what is meant to be on a particular day or week. Our ability to do or undo certain things is provided to us on certain days based on the position of the stars, planets, and Zodiac signs.
Now to better answer this question, let me carefully analyze in detail; there is “something” located within the human body, and it may have served as a link between our human/psychic body, the Zodiac houses, and the Planets, this “thing” also has a connection with the force-fields of Fate. Let’s dive in.
We meta-physicists and spiritualists have comprehended the astounding fact that there are glands and energy centers within the human body which responds to the planets in our solar system. It appears as if each of the planetary bodies relates to one of these energy centers inside us – how fascinating! Well, based on my spiritual know-how, I have concluded that these energy centers along with their connections with the Planets are the reasons behind the influence of the Zodiac on everyone.
Then, Fate on the other hand uses the Zodiac as a tool to reach and connect with every one of us in the 3rd dimension (that is the physical world). As a matter of fact, since fate isn’t a physical energy, but one that acts from the 5th dimension or thereabout, that is why, in order to connect with humans, it will certainly need a tool, that is a sort of medium, and yes, the Zodiac, the Planets and the Stars are the mediums which fate uses to connect with every one of us.
The energy centers are all located within the endocrine glands in our bodies, (the pituitary, thyroid, hypothalamus, and pineal glands, etc. etc. etc.), they are like a wireless device that is connected to our body used for the sending and receiving of signals from those planets they are aligned with. Based on my personal experiments, these are the mechanisms that allows Fate to take control of our life, for without those Psychic mechanism and alignments with the Stars and Planets, or Zodiac, fate will be unable to connect with each one of us, and so, that is why these energy centers were created in the first place.
I once told a student of mine something sometime back, that our physical body is like a biological computer system, and the entire cosmos is like a hologram, then to exist inside that hologram, Souls and Spirit beings require this biological body so that their consciousness can be projected into the biological body’s which is located inside the hologram. That process of projecting a Soul or Spirit being into a biological body inside the hologram is what we call incarnation, and when a Soul or Spirit being is leaving one biological body into another (maybe because it is damaged during an accident or something), that process is called reincarnation.
The only difference between a human body and the body of an artificial intelligence is that the human body is entirely organic, and it’s used as a means of incarnation for Souls and Spirit beings alike. The artificial intelligence has not been able to house a soul/spirit being, it works independently on its own based on the programs and protocols given by the builder, they are not biological, so they do not need organic foods and water to function, they only need generated power from electricity.
The human body which is biological also requires such electricity too but not just in the same way, the human body needs an electric/current which comes from the vital life force that goes into our body system every second from the air we breathe and every day from the food we eat, they keep the human body system powered on, and lack of that current it shuts down. The air carries with it the positive polarity of that current, while the food we eat carries with it the negative polarity of that same current, that is why the human body requires both to stay alive.
Now, just as the computer is designed, so was our body intelligently designed, our 3rd dimensional reality (the physical realm), is all a reflection of the 4th dimension (the astral realm), I have said that many times, and people are yet to understand my point, for we are living in a denser and more solid version of the astral realm, the physical realm was created in form of a biological and organic hologram.
That was from the article; The 12 SECRETS OF THE ZODIAC (And its origin in Spirituality)
Now, let us proceed with the next sub-topic, which is about opening the third eye, I know what most people seek, and at the right moment of their life, after they may have done the needful, I will always give them what they seek.
I may not entirely uncover the whole sacred knowledge involved with opening a third eye herein because this is a general edition of our magazine platform, and so, I wouldn’t want our Ancestors getting mad at me for breaking the rules.
The reason why we are compelled to create an inner spiritual circle, which I refer to as the advanced class, for the uncovering of all knowledge concerned with life mysteries and spirituality, with that, only those who are genuine seekers of truth will be able to get that training, because only a true seeker of truth can pass the tests set up from the beginning to the higher degrees. The fake and curious people will not be able to cross the first or two portals of our class, they will just give up.
However, I will dig in a bit for you, now read carefully; like earlier said, to open a third eye, you need to first open the lower energy centers also known as the psychic centers, as referred earlier, please take note, I shall use both words interchangeably. I also said the third eye is only one out of the seven energy centers in a man, it is the sixth energy center.
These energy centers are like large holes found in the centers of a water passage, when that water flows through the passage, it fills every hole as it flows through them. To fill up number two, number one must be filled up first, then allowed to overflow so it can flow ahead and fill the next hole, then continues to the next, and so on.
So, the first psychic center must be awakened for the psychic energy to flow through it then into the next which must again be awakened for that energy to flow through, etc.
So, to open the third eye, you need some serious spiritual guard lines to enable you awaken the psychic centers one after the other, until you get to the sixth, which is the third eye. I know, many teachers on this subject of spirituality out there will not let you know this, they will only try to give you answers based on your expectations, and not based on what it really is.
It’s like, you want to open your third eye, here is a quick one on how to open your third eye, that is, they will always be in a hurry to give an untested experiment which they claim will open your third eye, but guess what, it doesn’t work.
If truly you want your third eye open, then follow these instructions I am giving, the third eye isn’t alone, it has other energy centers before and after its actual location. I will give you tips to begin with the root, to trigger the root and the ones above, from there you can walk your way up to the sixth sense (the third eye).
However, if you need a well arranged discourse and some spiritual guards or training which includes everything that has to do with pure spirituality, and awakening; that is to go deeper into the spiritual craft with supervision, mentorship and membership, enroll now to our spiritual advanced class so your progress can be monitored in order to receive guidance at every juncture of your journey, so that when your questions are raised, answers will be given. I founded this community’s mystery class in 2019, and I did it for the true seekers of truth.
It will help you to be trained in the craft of your ancestors, the path to spiritual awareness, and even priesthood for those who are called. Remember, unrestricted curiosity will only lead you astray, but the true intent to learn sincerely will give you what you seek through discipline and patience.
I guess you have understood the processes involved in opening a third eye, I mean the right processes involved, there are important steps that induce the awakening of your psychic centers, one which is called grounding, Grounding is the process of walking bare footed on a good nature environment and not on a cemented floor but on the ground, this is a sort of spiritual rite, I do not mean you should start walking on bare feet.
Grounding is a way of connecting yourself to the earth through the process of meditation. To do this, you choose allocation, make sure there are trees and enough oxygen around, and make sure there are no broken bottles or harmful materials on the ground, once you are sure of that, you leave your footwears behind, release yourself from too much cloths, in the right sense you need not wear any under wears, just wear your trousers or wrapper if you are a lady, and a top singlets or t-shirt, or as a man you can choose to wear trousers or shorts alone, and no top cloths for the duration of the ritual exercise.
Next, you walk a few steps forward, and place your hands together as they do in prayer, then chest out a bit and breathe in fresh air, fill your lungs, hold as much as you can, exhale, make sure you do this in a place with good, fresh air. As you do this, enhance your visualization by seeing your root energy center brighten with red energy fields, feel it as it should be, and keep your concentration steady and consistent for as long as you can, and during this time try not to think of anything else, try to keep your thoughts in check and never let it wander.
In a higher circles of my advanced mystery class, I teach my students and members how to see with their minds eye, this triggers the third eye, and helps hasten the opening of the lower energy centers, and when this is done properly without wandering thoughts getting in the way, one will definitely get better by the day, and a time will come when you will be able to create your reality through your minds power of visualization.
This exercise is used to induce a sort of opening of your root energy center, or the root chakra as called in the east, look, just as I have said before; if the root chakra is not opened, the energy will not flow, if the rest of the psychic centers are not opened, the energy will not get to the sixth psychic center which is your third eye, and so it will not open. To open the sixth sense, you must begin by grounding yourself to induce a connection between your root and the earth, raising the energy upwards from the earth to your root, this is because the element of earth influences the root energy center positively, they both have a strong connection.
NEXT! Here are some yoga poses that are believed to help activate and balance the third eye:
Candle Gazing – Trataka: This pose involves focusing on the flame of a candle to improve concentration and activate the third eye. Candle gazing, also known as Trataka, is an ancient practice that involves focusing your gaze on a candle flame to aid in meditation. It’s a form of concentrated gazing that helps to bring stillness to the body and mind, often leading to a trance-like state.
Here are some benefits associated with candle gazing: Improves vision and eyesight. Enhances concentration and memory. Boosts patience and willpower. Increases productivity. Promotes calmness and inner peace. Improves clarity and decision-making. Provides stress and anxiety relief. Deepens sleep and helps with sleep-related disorders. Strengthens intuition and clairvoyance.
Practicing candle gazing, or Trataka, is a simple yet profound technique. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
- Find a Quiet Space: Choose a peaceful area where you won’t be disturbed.
- Prepare the Candle: Place a candle at eye level, about an arm’s length away. The flame should be steady, so ensure there’s no draft.
- Comfortable Position: Sit in a comfortable posture with your spine straight. You can sit on a chair or cross-legged on the floor.
- Soft Gaze: Begin by softly gazing at the flame. Try not to blink too often and keep your focus on the flame, not the candle or wick.
- Mindful Breathing: Maintain a relaxed breathing pattern. Let your breath flow naturally as you concentrate on the flame.
- Closing the Eyes: After a few minutes, when you feel ready, gently close your eyes. You may see an after-image of the flame; focus on that image in your mind’s eye.
- Reflection and Rest: Once the after-image fades, take a moment to sit quietly, allowing your meditation to deepen.
- Repeat: You can open your eyes and repeat the gazing process if you wish.
Remember to start with shorter sessions, about 3-5 minutes, and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice. It’s important to listen to your body and eyes, and not strain them. If you experience any discomfort, it’s best to close your eyes and rest.
Candle gazing can be a powerful practice for calming the mind and improving focus. Enjoy the tranquility it brings to your meditation routine.
Here’s a step-by-step instruction to help you get started:
- Find a Quiet Space: Choose a peaceful area where you won’t be disturbed.
- Prepare the Candle: Place a candle at eye level, about an arm’s length away. The frame should be steady, so ensure there’s no draft.
- Comfortable Position: Sit in a comfortable posture with your spine straight. You can sit on a chair or cross-legged on the floor.
- Soft Gaze: Begin by softly gazing at the flame. Try not to blink too often and keep your focus on the flame, not the candle or wick.
- Mindful Breathing: Maintain a relaxed breathing pattern. Let your breath flow naturally as you concentrate on the flame.
- Closing the Eyes: After a few minutes, when you feel ready, gently close your eyes. You may see an after-image of the flame; focus on that image in your mind’s eye.
- Reflection and Rest: Once the after-image fades, take a moment to sit quietly, allowing your meditation to deepen.
- Repeat: You can open your eyes and repeat the gazing process if you wish.
Remember to start with shorter sessions, about 3-5 minutes, and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice. It’s important to listen to your body and eyes, and not strain them. If you experience any discomfort, it’s best to close your eyes and rest.
Candle gazing can be a powerful practice for calming the mind and improving focus. Enjoy the tranquility it brings to your meditation routine.
Do you know that, some persons do not like meditation techniques, they claim it doesn’t work, well, if you ask me I will tell you this; mediation are of different types, and each has its own purpose and approach, so sometimes one may end up using a meditation technique meant for relaxation to fulfill another quest, honestly it will not work, and again, some people are untrained in the art of concentration, without that, your mediation will not be successful. This is also why most mediation techniques meant to trigger the chakras have never worked for some people, which is because they lack the art of concentration to quiet their mind, they are also unaware of how to use their “will” during meditation.
I have given a few instances and descriptions, I know you do understand now, but then if you still don’t, feel free to contact me on WhatsApp or on messenger, I will be glad to help.
The third eye, as you have read, is extremely sensitive and one must be incredibly careful while dealing with it. That is because if you forcefully open your sixth sense when you are not spiritually ready, you might not enjoy the outcome.
Nowadays people are just excessively in a hurry to get things done as if they are dying tomorrow, such people approach my DM every now and then but I end up not taking them serious, cos’ such people only wanted such awakening for their selfish reason, some believe their third eye will give them visions into people’s life and what would happen to them, so they can use it to milk people off their funds, others of course have their ulterior motives like predicting scores and lottery numbers to enrich themselves, a true spiritualist who is well grinded in the principles of life knows that certain things, especially when it has to do with selfishness are forbidden in pure spirituality.
Abilities such as telepathy, psychometry or sixth sense were given for higher purpose, to help make this world better by assisting and serving others for the highest good, and not for your selfish good.
Each spiritual sense within us has its purpose, and each person who wants to wield them must be disciplined according to its principles, for one must earn the worthiness to attain such a level of enlightenment, which is why not everyone can have it, it is always said in the mystery schools that “many are called, few are chosen”. You must prove that you are worthy of that illumination by following the proper rule to test your patience, discipline, and many more.
For instance, the third eye has its own codes and principles, one must be in harmony with it, you cannot be fully attached to materialism while your third eye is open, no, you must be willing open the lower psychic centers first so you can face your fears, then let go of your guilts, hate, to let go of your materialism and some people, to be free in spirit and mind, to let no atom of emotional attachments in you. To know patience and love, to know that you came to earth with nothing, therefore must leave with nothing except the wisdom and enlightenment you have attained throughout your life on earth, which will awaken your humbleness because if you are able to rise above materialism and its attachments, then that means you have defeated your greatest weakness, your ego..
As you can see, the spiritual path is not for those who are not ready, it is not for those who are impatient, who want to use spirituality for their selfish goals, to control others through power.
So, do you think you can rise above your thirst for power, to be simply you with enlightenment and awakened soul consciousness, to be wise and knowledgeable, this does not mean you will become poor, no, but it means no material attachments can control you, which means you would be free from the burdens that comes with attachments, and you would not be tied down by any of them, you would be in control.
To activate your root chakra, which is the first psychic centre, you must learn to face your fears, your fears are what blocks your root chakra, so you must face and dissolve them before any psychic centre can be awakened, without that, you would be wasting your own time. Yes, this may sound easy, but trust me when I say, “it is one of the biggest challenges you would face on this path”, as you can see; there are disciplines and principles that one must truly adapt to sincerely and transparently to open the flow of cosmic energy through these psychic centres. The cosmic energy must flow through all the psychic centers up to the sixth chakra before opening the third eye, if your attachments, guilts or fears etc stands in the way, it would block the chakras involved and so the cosmic energy would not flow, and that also means that the task to open your third eye would fail.
Note that; Any sort of shortcuts, herbs or enchantments of any kind advertised out there which claims to enforce the opening and the awakening of the psychic centres, most especially the third eye, will be detrimental to your mental health.
So, first things first, learn to face your fears; deep down there may be one or two fears that you may have held in within for a long time; thus, you now believe it’s no longer there, only an intensive meditation can flush them forward to see them. I know there are higher techniques I use in my advanced premium discourse to help my members recreate the events that caused that fear in the first place, then, through the astral realm they can learn to see their fear come life so they can face it. I also know there are other special and advanced techniques I cannot expose in here, however, with my guidance, this can go a long way.
If you need a proper guidance through all the processes involved including our spiritual knowledge and study, then, reach me through one of my social media pages or messengers, or just directly contact Awake Afraka magazine on [email protected], and your request will get to me.
I hope this has added a light unto yours today, and I hope we will meet again on our next episode, coming up Next month!
Until then, Blessed Be…