Welcome to Awake Af’raka Magazine, a home of Spiritual awakening and spirituality from its purest level, through the knowledge given herein, a true seeker of truth will find his/her way into understanding the true realities of life. Our spirituality here in Awake Afraka are all in line with the ancient African Practices as passed down to us by our Ancestors, the shining ones. Today we have an article for you which explains something which many have wondered for eons concerning wet dreams as well as the art of sexual intimacy as connected with spirituality and the sex spirits.
You may be wondering, what does spirituality got to do with sex, and what a heck is sex magick? Well, like I always tell my students and followers; spirituality is deep, like deep and only those who have gone that deep can unravel those secrets for you. You all know that most of your beliefs are or were indoctrinated to you by your parents who were also indoctrinated by their parents, and that doesn’t make them right.
Yes, someone told me, the ways which our African traditionalist practice their spirituality is age long, and I kept telling them, oh, it is, but does that make it right? Just because it has been practiced by your forefathers doesn’t mean it is the right way or the truth to what you seek. Yes, it isn’t, you what? I will remind you right now that, most of the things you do daily thinking is the norm of life it isn’t, in fact some are abuse of life properties and there has been so many consequences piled up for you, yes you, and one example is the art of sexuality.
So, you see where I am going with this, sexuality has so much power within its beautiful sensations, in the long past, humans used to respect sex, it was a ritual between two people or individual when they want to pray, oh that sounds very funny right? I will explain, there is a reason my upcoming book is tilted THE ART OF SEX MAGICK, LET US PRAY (THE ANCIENT WAY) …
To make love is to exchange sexual energies, that sexual energy is a powerful and if not, one of the most powerful form of energy which connects with our thought-form while its being released from our root, (the root chakra), now, during sex something happens, especially when you do not have any means of controlling that sexual energies, I mean when you just have sex with someone of your choice out of feelings with each other or, out of lust or fun. Do you want to know what happens when you make love with someone? I will tell you right away.
So far, I have not yet explained in this article on what sex spirits are in plain words, but I will shortly do so, nevertheless you should know I had once published an exclusive article specifically on the subject of spirit husband and spirit wife, click here if you missed that 44th episode of our magazine editorial on “Spirit Husband and Spirit Wife“, published on the 27th of October 2019, then do yourself that favor asp and get it covered, this is 2023, so that was about 3 years ago, therefore, if you haven’t read that article, then please do so right away, click here…
First, there exists numerous deities, gods, and spirit forces all within each spiritual realms above and below the physical realm.
Please Note: When I said, “above or below the physical, I did not literally mean up there and down here, in this context, what I mean is, the reality in question vibrates at a higher frequency than the physical reality, and those spiritual realms we refer to as lower or below the physical world vibrates at a lower frequency. This is just like I have said in previous articles, “all realities within the spiritual and the physical realm share the same space simultaneously but are separated by their frequencies”.
So, the astral realm or the higher spiritual realities all exists in that very space you are sitting, or standing right now, although their differences are noticeably clear, that is; they all vibrate on different frequencies, the higher the dimension and its frequencies, the higher and purer their native entities, or spirit beings, etc. The spirit on the lower dimension cannot swift over, or move into the higher realms, but those ones in the higher realm can see or observe and move in and out of all the realities vibrating below theirs.
Now that you have understood the nature of the dimensions or the spiritual realms, it is time to proceed further on to the topic at hand. So, amongst all these deities within the 4th dimension and above, there are some which we call sex spirit, the higher dimensional version of this deities are known as the god or goddess of seduction and sex, but in general, we refer to these entities as sex spirits, well, some of you know them as spirit husband and spirit wife, I wrote about them here, click here to read exclusively…
Furthermore, sex spirits are popularly called Incubus and Succubus spirits. Incubus and Succubus are 4th and 5th dimensional entities, and shape shifters, they are spirit beings who feed on sexual energies emitted strongly by humans who are having sex, unlike the other lower 4th dimensional deities who feed on the life force that emits from a freshly spilled blood during a sacrificed dedicated to them, sex spirits feeds on the other hand feed on the sexual energies you release during sexual intercourse, they do this either by luring you into it or through wet dreams projected to your subconscious mind, or, by your intentional invitation during a ritual process.
Again, just as blood activates the sacred juju medium which the dibias or priest uses for spiritual communion with their deities, the sex spirits also have their charged spirit mediums which can only be activated with one’s sexual energies through sperm or female orgasm released intensely on it while vibrating the pass code or sacred spell of enchantment. I said, sex spirits are 4th and 5th dimensional beings because, the malevolent ones exist in the fourth dimensional reality, while the other one which I refer to as the benevolent ones exists in the fifth dimensional reality, respectively.
These spirits have been very popular over the years, although many writers still don’t talk about them and the ones who do always forget a very important point, which is the fact that there are two major categories of sex spirits; there are those w consider malevolent, and the other group which can be labeled as the benevolent ones due to their positive natures.
The malevolent ones drain you of your sexual energies, and when they do, you get serious fatigue when you wake up, and from that day onward, you get what you may refer to as bad luck in your business or work, most especially in your relationship. If you give credence to blood thirsty entities, then I am sure you have the malevolent ones within you.
I mean, around you, that is because your vibration, and the frequency which you emit is limited to the level of consciousness which you embrace. If for instance, you are a traditionalist who follow the path of spirituality involved with offering blood sacrifices to some deities, then that means your consciousness is located within the fourth dimension, that is because, those blood thirsty deities exist in the fourth dimension, also referred to as the astral realm.
However, if you do not give credence to the 4th dimensional deities, but still give credence to an imaginary deity which you access through belief and faith, then that means your consciousness would also exist in the 4th dimension, because, the fourth dimension (astral realm) is known as the realm of imagination, and illusion, it is a world of make belief, thus, whatever you believe here in the physical realm (also called the 3rd dimension) manifests in the 4th dimension, and if you feed it with your will, then it will reflect into the physical world and eventually become your reality.
But, if you are an advanced spiritualist or one who give credence to pure spirits, that is one who do not offer animal/human sacrifices to blood thirsty spirits deities, then in such aa situation, it means your consciousness would be above the 7th dimension, or maybe the 12th which is the most advanced spiritual dimension and reality.
You might want to ask about the 5th dimension, to know what sort of spirit exists there, and to know if they do request for blood too, well they do not, however they are bound to certain laws and principles, which might be even difficult for some to uphold.
Let us take for instance, by using yourself a case study: You, as a self-employed entrepreneur, you desire a house, a very big one, maybe a mansion, but isn’t in your destiny to own a house built by you, but you desperately seek that kind of wealth, so to succeed in building, or buying such a big house, or mansion.
Now, if you go to one of those temples dedicated to those deities of the 5th dimension, you would met their priest or shaman, and after listening to your request, they would start one rituals, then offer you the opportunity to ask what you desire from those 5th dimensional entities, and if it is done well, they will accept your request, and eventually you would probably be given that wealth, although they will not do this free of charge, due to the principles they are bonded with, they will give you what you seek by taking something else from you. This is the type of deities and spirit beings found in Hinduism and Buddhism.
In order for this to work exactly as you desire, that is; in order for them to help you get what you have asked from them, it means your reality as you know it must be reshaped, your fate must be remapped, so that you will find available, the tracks that would lead you into those areas and aspects of life which would make you meet those who will eventually give you the kind of job or contracts that would make you very rich And when that happen, you will get paid in millions which is enough to buy you that dream house. But then, something will be taken from you, for that is the law of exchange
Here is another example, a man who desperately need a child, unfortunately due to his destiny in respect to his earthly primary purpose, he wasn’t meant to father or mother one, if he seeks the aids of a 5th dimensional deity or spirit, then they will help him by first resetting his reality as he knows it in order to lead him towards the path that will enforce him into having a child he could call his own, and if that is done, the spirits will take someone from his life, for a life to be given, a life must be taken, that is their principle of exchange based on spiritual laws.
Ok, moving on: The benevolent sex spirits only feed on your sexual energies when you invoke them, to offer them your sexual energies in exchange for whatever you desire. Now such rituals are broad and consists of sections of love making, however I will not reveal its procedures here, and I must tell you, one cannot find the true procedures for such rituals online either, what you will find are junks created to attract likes and followers, I have searched and I found no genuine procedures online because no true spiritualist in their right senses will posts a genuine ritual online, unless it’s not genuine.
We are forbidden to post certain rituals online, or in public, but we can pass it on to you in private when you are ready, being ready means being a part of us, one who has accepted to learn and be awakened, to be spiritually educated through our Mystery Class, by beings a student/member of our class, it means you are ready to be a part of this journey, however, despite the fact that certain things cannot be shared online, there are many others we can, just keep reading, enlightenment on the path of spirituality is yours as long as you are here and ready to look beyond the covers.
That moment of orgasm (during love making) releases the sexual energy within a person, and if he or she already have no plan for its use, that is, if the love making was done just for the fun of it, then the sexual energy from the man goes to the woman enveloping her with a sort of bright magnetic energy, while hers goes to the man enveloping him too with same electromagnetic energy of some kind. If you are opportune to see both lovers at that moment through the astral realm (via your sixth sense), then you would see an enormously powerful magnetic energy like a very bright light engulfing them both.
So, like I said, during such love making, you exchange your sexual energies with your lover, and during that moment of orgasm, your partners feelings, life paths, past karmas both benedictions and trials, consequences, are all exchanged by 50/50, your partners life and yours become one, it would be important to know that, it was because of this spiritual knowledge that the ancients got the idea of monogamy in marriage, that is; one man one woman, the idea of “two becoming one”, the sacred union of the man and his woman, (which is normally calculated as 1 + 1 = 1), because from their first love making, they have shared amongst each other, their feelings, karmas, and so on, they are now two in one person, the more they make love, most especially out of love, or even lust, then the stronger the bond.
This is also why if you pay attention, and if you are intuitive, you would know or feel what your lover feels even if that person is not close to you, you would feel their emotions, and when they are horny, you too will be, if they make love with another person, you would feel as though you are horny or start thinking of her at the same time start having those feelings of sadness towards that person, why? because she has betrayed your trust by sharing her sexual energy with another.
The only way that connection will seem as though it has stopped is when she or he makes love with another partner more than three times and stops making love with you henceforth. I said, the only way it would seem as though the connection has stopped: I said so because that connection cannot be broken so easily, but because of the feeling of betrayal and sadness, it would seem as if it’s no longer there.
That was why in the beginning, it was well grounded by our ancestors, that a man must marry only one wife, and a woman must be with one man, however if she unfortunately loses the man through death, then she would need a sacred cleansing to separate her consciousness from him, otherwise, he would continue to be with her even in death and she would be very scared of that of course, well today nobody cares about that, and cheating in relationship has become a thing in this century, and that is why they always have issues with their life at certain a stage.
Now you know why in marriage, it is, and has always been said, that when two people, man and woman come together, they become one, two in one person. Okay, let’s move on.
There is so much that this generation are unaware of, and when it comes to sex, I would always like to tell them; that sexuality is related with spirituality, and therefore should be respected, one must beware of who they give their body’s to, because if you are not going to be with someone in marriage, then why exchange with them your sexual energies, which of course comes with loads of other things which can either become a burden to you in some ways when you do it with random partners, it’s like exchanging with various persons, their emotions, karmas, feelings, and many others as listed earlier.
But, if you are with that person, and the negative karmas arrive, which you have taken parts of it of course, you would find it easy to resolve them together without an alarm, but when you two have gone your separate ways, that’s when you have problems, especially when you have exchanged such sexual energies with much more than two persons, you now see why it seems no matter how much efforts some put into their life, it just seem nothing is working, all the same, they become free only when the karmic debts are resolved.
SEE ALSO: LOVERS TIPS AND FANTASIES; From the Hidden Diary (e-Zine Edition) – By Knight Fredel
Now, about the sex spirits, like I said, they are of two categories, one is benevolent and only comes as a friend, you make love with him/her, it would be because you gave your consent, and they bring good lucks but not jealous.
The malevolent ones intentionally inspire your sleep with dreams of you making love with a familiar face, or with a face you do not know, and while you are doing that, the sex spirit will be absorbing and feeding off your sexual energies as you reach orgasm, and even when you don’t, as long as you are feeling the sweet sensation of love making, there your sexual energies are being released for them to absorb. And they can be really crazy when someone they do not like start dating you, they can inspire you into having issues with him or her until you both break up so they can have you all to themselves.
Just like the benevolent sex spirits can be invoked, so are the malevolent ones, that is why if you do not know the formulae to take in invoking a benevolent sex spirit, then do not in any circumstance try such rituals, because you may end up invoking the malevolent sex spirit and they are both hard to differentiate from the other.
Okay, let’s move on: First of all, there has been a dispute on why sex spirits often prefer those born of water, they are the most wanted by these spirits, lots of them do come into my DM asking if they have a spirit husband or wife, they lay down their complaints and seek my advice, after attending to more than a hundred of these people, I checked down my statistics and discovered that truly, sex spirits are really fund of those who are born of water, and the reason is because, those persons born with the element of water (from a spiritual point of view, not based on zodiac element) have that high sense of sexual energy than those of the other elements.
A water born have very strong and highly charged sexual energies, and if it’s an uncircumcised woman, their sexual energies are unlimited, I mean, it knows no bounds, thus, because of that, those malevolent sex spirits usually seek to attach themselves with them in order to feed off their sexual energy, and that often drains them.
For many years today, these entities have been referred by many names, and lots of ideologies has been born pertaining to their existence, and purpose, amongst all are misconceptions and misunderstanding all generally created by different people who of course thinks that they know who they are, even when they were only assuming, however, the truth they say will always come to the light as long as we keep looking deeper with an open mind.
So, how do they work? And are all wet dreams related to these sex spirits?
Oh, well, as facts would have it, there are times when your previously created thoughts about a person you lust or have a crush on reflect into your vivid dreams while your body is sleep. And in such a dream, you will experience a scenario of love making with a beautiful woman, or a handsome man with the face of that person you are in love or lust with, or with the face of your crush or at other times it is mostly with an unknown person.
In such a situation, it is wrong to quickly assume that the man or woman who was making love with you in that dream was a sex spirit messing with your mind, such a conclusion is heavy in sense that, such dreams, no matter how vivid they might seem might be nothing more than a psychological dream reflected to you in your dream state based on your present mindset, or one of your past or forgotten thought which still exist in your subconscious mind without your knowing, or, maybe you watched too much pornography and have imagined so much erotic moments with someone whether recently or in the past.
Truth is, your subconscious mind doesn’t forget, you might of course forget but that doesn’t mean it’s not there waiting to come out the moment it is triggered, thus, in that case, for that to come up in your dream, it means something triggered it, but not necessarily a sex spirit.
Let us talk about other possibilities, like instances when you may have felt horny in your sleep, which of course enforces the subconscious mind to reflect those feelings into your dream state, that alone can trigger your sub conscious mind into reflecting back to you what you feel (horny) into your vivid dreams, yes it happens a lot.
For example, if you are deeply asleep on the floor, and maybe while sleeping you kicked your bottle of water down, and it floods down to your sleeping position and wets you up, if that sleep is really deep, trust me when i say you will not wake up, instead, your brain will signal the subconscious mind which will try to reflect what you are feeling, and at that point it can reflect back to your brain a scenario where you are swimming, or a bad dream where you were in a ship and suddenly sank, you see that?
That is how the mind works when your body is asleep. So, this really happens a lot, yet many people continue to mistake such psychological dreams with spiritual dreams. Truly it is not easy to sometimes know which one from the other, however, I can always detect what kind of dream it is, whether it is a psychological dream or not, and that is by self-evaluation, and self-experiments, or, we can always do that through an akashic reading, or though spirit consultation, or, through both reading sessions.
Now, about these sex spirits, I have talked much on the malevolent ones, so let’s dig in briefly about the second one on the list which are the benevolent or pure sex spirits. I mentioned earlier that these pure sex spirits exist in the 5th dimension, they are highly enchanting, some might say they “pure magical beings”, I must say, they can never project dreams of love making into your subconscious without first being invited, unless in rare cases but not to drain you off your sexual energy, in fact if they ever need to share with you some love making sensations, then it would be agreed subconsciously by you to make love with them.
So, instead of feeding and draining you off your sexual energies, they of course accept the sexual energies you emit during love making or masturbation at the time of your sex magick rituals, they only accept your sexual energies only when you invoke them for such purpose, to offer them your sexual energies in exchange for something you might need,
There are other times when a pure sex spirit likes your aura and personality, they come to you and seek your consent to be with you, they do this in a lucid dream so that you will be conscious of your decision as you would if you were awake, and after you accept, they will always visit you every once in a while when you are asleep so that they can make sweet love with you, then during the love making, as you reach your orgasm, you worked begin to emit your sexual energies, when you do, the pure sex spirit will feed on it, while she or he passes into you pure spiritual energies which raises the energy fields of your aura for protection, and good luck,
The only problem we have in our society today is fear, some have these positive encounters, yet they use their fear and rejection to discard whatever they have received. Then there are some others, due to their heavy negative karma and impure hearts, whatever benediction they received during such wet dreams would be held back from them until they have resolved their karmic debts.
Pure spirits who exist above the 4th dimension can never be of help to you if your heart is impure, you would be needing serious spiritual cleansing first of all before asking for their help, otherwise due to your low vibration, they will be unable to connect with you, that is the problem I face with many clients of mine, and I encourage them to be pure in heart and always partake in spiritual cleansing from time to time, it helps.
There are many rituals performed by practitioners of Sex Magick which involves a process whereby they willingly offer to the sex spirits their sexual energy in exchange for something they desire, whatever they ask is always given if well done in the right manner and procedure, although it might take little bit of time for some request to manifest, thus it will again depend on the kind of thing such person requested from the sex spirits.
The only disadvantage with his sort of ritual is, some persons do not know which or what kind of sex spirit they invoked, if it’s the malevolent ones or the fifth dimensional ones, which is because they do not know where their own consciousness currently exist at. The truth is, if your consciousness exists in the 4th dimension, then you cannot connect with any deity or spirts from the 5th dimensional and above, and if that is the case, then many people who currently haven’t risen above the 5th or the 4th dimension, and who have done such rituals may have ended up with the malevolent sex spirits without knowing it.
One cannot know which dimension their consciousness exists on, unless through spiritual consultation, some can be in the 4th dimension but believe they exist in the 6th or 7th, they turn their assumption into a reality which unfortunately doesn’t make them arrive their consciousness into their desired dimension.
And as I know, a man will invoke a sex goddess and a woman will invoke a sex gods, and some practitioner’s will use a partner to invoke and offer their sexual energy to the sex spirits while others prefers to do it alone via masturbation which they close their eyes and visualize the goddess or gods in any form they choose, then after such rituals, these sex spirits ends up visiting the person in lucid dreams to make out and feed themselves of their sexual energy which they had willingly dedicated to the sex spirits already. As a matter of fact, when you continuously invoke and offer your sexual energy to the sex spirits, thus they become even more friendly to you and they also protect their own in many ways.
NOTE: If you must try this, then you are welcome but I want you to understand that I’m not exposing this very knowledge for you so that you may start masturbating, the deeper details of sex magick and its procedures will be explained in my Advanced Class or you can await my upcoming book titled THE ART OF SEX MAGICK – LET US PRAY THE ANCIENT WAY Coming Soon! Therefore, I must say you should not delve into something that you have not been initiated into so you don’t end up atrophying your semen or sexual energy to the dark sex spirits ignorantly inviting the incubus and succubus into your life while thinking you are inviting pure sex spirits.
You cannot talk about the spiritual effects of sexuality without touching a few grounds on the rituals of sex magick, an ancient means of spiritual practice done during love making, I have an exclusive book on this topic, and that book as stated above is coming soon.
However, some may ask: what is sex magick, and is it a new practice, or has it been here for some time? Well, it cannot be labelled as a new practice because sex magick has been here for so many years, as long as the origin of our civilization, this ritual which include the use of your mind power, and your will, projects your sexual energies towards a particular idea, or thoughts which has already been created in your mind, and which already exists as thought-forms in the astral realm, by projecting your sexual energy towards it, you successfully power that thought-form to manifestation within that astral realm, and if it does manifests truly in that realm, then would definitely reflect into our physical world as your reality, all it needs is your concentration and will power..
Yes I have always made it clear in most of my previous articles that the physical realm is a reflection of the astral realm, also known as the 4th dimensional reality, the physical realm is a 3rd dimensional reality, reflected from the 4th dimension, that is why I do not argue with those who refer to our physical word as a hologram, because if it is a hologram, then it must be reflected from somewhere which of course is the actual reality where the hologram is controlled from, which is the astral real (the 4th dimension).
So, whatever you create in your subconscious, be it thoughts, imagination, or visualization, they settle in the astral realm as what we call “thought-forms”, and they remain in that form until you power them into manifestation through the use of one or more powerful spiritual energy, electro-magnetic energy, or emotional energy (a very strong emotion), if you succeed in doing that, then it will reflect into your physical reality, obviously, apart from the listed energy fields listed here in, there is one of such energy which I consider one of the most powerful ones so far is your sexual energy.
Many seekers has asked where sex magick started from, some say it was from Alex Crowley, but Crowley only learned it from somewhere, the fact is, sex magick begun in Af’raka, however, it is true that the African sages and mystery teachers actual also may have also learnt it from another older civilization, like the Atlantis or Mu, although based on recent research from tablets and ancient manuscripts which predates those found in other places outside Africa, including status depicting sexual rituals through via masturbation, group sex rites and dual sex.
So, with this, it is very clear that sex magick had been entwined into spirituality for long, for those who delve in deeper into this aspect of spirituality, they are aware that the art of sexuality holds much more than the purpose which the general public made it to be, it’s purely a sacred art of spiritual intimacy, thus making a course on its own in spirituality which involves the flow of our sexual energies within us and directing this energy towards a goal either without spilling the seed, or by spilling it, both are correct, it just depends on which rite you are practicing for there are a number of rites within this path of sex magick (we call the sperm a seed in sex magick, take note).
There is the rite of offering, which I will explain shortly, which is also another means of sex magick which involves offering to a sex spirit/goddess your sexual energy in exchange with whatever it is you desire from her/him.
The Goddess spiritual practice also known as the goddess worship is the oldest form of Spirituality, although it is called “the goddess worship but it has no part of it which includes worshipping an external entity outside of yourself, the goddess worship involves the recognition of the creator’s energy in every woman, and the understanding of nature as a feminine energy unlike the popular masculinity of the creator.
The goddess worship sees the creator as being feminine in nature, and also having its masculine side which is known as its protector, meaning that the part of the divine which creates and brings life, and light into existence is feminine in nature, while the part of that same divinity which protects and enforces natural laws and principles to existence is the masculine part.
The feminine aspect of the divinity was symbolized with the element of water, and the serpent as its totem, the masculine aspect of the same divinity was symbolized with fire with the eagle as its totem, sometimes the mythological bird, the phoenix is used in other paths of spirituality, but the eagle has been there for long.
The goddess worship teaches a lot about the woman, and the creator, it was also said in there than; the creator made man/woman in its own image, the woman depicting the creators feminine aspect of the divine, that is the earthly version of the creator of course, as you can obviously see, the woman holds many qualities of nature and the creator, like giving birth into this world and more, meanwhile, the man depicts the earthly version of the protective force of the divine which today is now referred to as God.
The goddess worship also refers to the creator as mother God, just as they refer to the protective force of the divinity as the son, which of course became the father God, thus creating the trinity, this was the concept which was stolen by the Roman Catholic in order ti create their own version of the same goddess worship, but in a different way, their objective wasn’t enlightenment, it was to conquer the world and the existing religious and spiritual paths so to bring in theirs as a replacement.
The practitioners of the goddess worship went deeply into the practice of sexual intimacy and they leant more about the sex and its spiritual effects through the knowledge made available to them, and through the ones they experimented and found enlightening, all that lead to the understanding of sexual energies, and the realization of sex spirits, and exchange of energies through sex, thus, they decided never to misuse it as people do today without knowing the consequences of their own actions. They considered sex as sacred and so, created the monogamy of marriage, etc.
Dear readers, when a man unites with a woman through sexual intercourse, what they are doing in essence is exchanging each other’s sexual energies which also carries with it some chips of our karmic debts, personality, feelings etc. Thus by joining their sexual energy flows with each other, the man’s kundalini (psychic energy) unites with that of the woman, and at such moment, they are spiritually connected with one another as one entity, however when they end up sleeping with different people daily and weekly just to make some easy money (that is the girls) or for the sake of leisure’s and pleasure (that is mostly the men), they ignorantly get themselves spiritually coiled up and connected with all the people they had made love with.
Nevertheless, the reverse is always the case here and this is why so many ladies are suffering deeply, forget about their social media life, their real life is sad, and for many, it’s pathetic, thus the idea to create fake life and attempting to live in it to forget their reality became a thing, which eventually became the norms of this generation, but is that really helping? It is not just all about financial breakdown, no, there are so many things making their life sad, yes because karma can be anything, and this is also the reason why so many men out there who flirts without control end up suffering and moving in circles without actually hitting a point.
Look around you, sex is being fixed into your sub conscious every day, from your TV programs, your movies, magazines, social medias, novels and even the cartoons and animation presented daily to our kids all portray lust, sex, and many more erotic scenarios, therefore planting the idea of sex into the your sub conscious and feeding them into the minds of our children so they grow up with that mindset intact, but the big question is, what does the media or the elites who controls those media outlets really want to achieve by turning people into sex freaks and sex addicts?
You may have heard, you may have known, or seen, either in the movies or in your reality, cases where the rich guys sleeps with a hooker, and ends up stealing her fortune or destiny after making love with her, ok here is the thing, no one can steal your destiny because, your destiny is nothing more than your destination where you get to fulfil your life purpose, and that life purpose cannot be stolen, it is yours to fulfil, no matter who you are, there is a motive which enforces your incarnation on earth, and that motive is the reason why you are still alive.
You see, my dear reader, financial abundance isn’t destiny as some think, like yourself too, yes you may have at one time said something like, I need my destiny back, or whoever has taken my destiny must return it, etc., oh no, destiny is a destination where you get to fulfil your life purpose.
Look at it this way, your birth was never a chance, or luck, but a well-orchestrated plan, carried out by the spirits of fate and destiny who were given that task to navigate life events and the conditions throughout time, to help bring into this world circumstances that would lead to your birth.
Things don’t just happen, they happen because we made them to happen, either knowingly or, unknowingly, fate has a way of making you believe that the events you created in your life, the choices you made were all decided by you through your own freewill, but the question now is, were they?
So, in accordance with my explanation above, you can now see that it will be nearly impossible for someone to steal your life purpose or destiny (life destination), after all, they too were born to earth with their own purpose, but there is something else they can steal, and that is your psychic and sexual energy, the fire that lights you up, that energy forces which were born into you at the tie of birth, to help you materialize into this world your purpose, that is what they can steal from you, to be used infused into their enchanted ring or in any medium of their choice, then use it to light up their own path in anything they desire, making them more powerful, that is one of the activities of some desperate occult organizations round, and they do this through sex, that is why these hookers have become their targets lately.
Okay, some may ask, is that what those occult men are stealing from these hookers today? Well, yes, their life force in some case, or, their psychic/sexual energy which is meant to light them up, that is to brighten their aura for good lucks and things like that including protection from attacks, once it’s all drained out of you, then, you become vulnerable to any attacks and also spiritually and physically weak, at that point you would no longer find the good luck you once had, to wrap it up, you also lose track with fate and your life becomes a complete misery, while the occult man becomes powerful, it’s like this, the more bad luck you get, the more good luck he gains, the more weak you go, the stronger he becomes, etc..
Now you see, it’s all about sex, there are so many women and teen girls out there who are nothing more than a walking corpse, they have lost their destination in life all because they abused their body, and eventually ended up with those men who use their sexuality to their advantage, you want to know how?
This happens in different ways, depending on the type of procedures they used, this is because sex magick can be done in different ways, some for good with the total consent of the two practitioners, or others for bad and without the consent of the victim, and it can be done in various processes, for example, the dark path uses sex magick to drain off the person you are having sex with through an enchanted ring, and through the use of an enchanted white, red or black handkerchief.
During the love making moment, they dip the fingers which has that ring into their woman’s vulva right after orgasm, absorbing their sexual energy while they are intensely feeling the sensation of their sexual energy, or, they clean the vulva with the handkerchief right after sex, then keep it somewhere safe, and it must never touch the ground or the floor, after the lady is gone, they dip the handkerchief into an enchanted clay pot and then return it to their shrine or temple for further spiritual work.
Then, there are the other procedures which include the occult man making love with the hooker, or lady, then after stealing her panties which she has worn before the sexual intercourse took place, after the love making, they preserve the panties carefully then after, dip it into their enchanted pot, then return it to their shrine or temple for further spiritual works.
Now, this is just a part of the whole, for there are many more sexual magick going on in the society, even some of you have offered your sexual energies to the sex spirits belonging to many other spiritual organizations, without your consents, you all are being turned into sex freaks, to lose yourself and think only about sex, that’s why you see them selling you the ideas in everything you watch on TV, and in your books, and in everything you read, to stir up the emotion, and make you see it as the new norms of this century, while they drain you off your sexual energies for them unknowingly.
Days like valentine days are holidays set-aside for such rituals, for your information, the color of love isn’t red, red is the color of sex, that is why I do not celebrate Val day, because I choose to celebrate my love every day of my life as much as I can, because while you are having Val day, making love and doing all sorts of erotic things you can think of, some people, elites or whoever are directing the sexual energies you emit towards their path, and dedicating them to their sex spirits, or demons, as sacrifices.
There are lots of things in this life which most of you all are unable to see, you may be thinking it’s all a celebration of love, but deep down it’s all a collective group sex magick rituals going on, oh someone might say this is just another conspiracy theory, well, there is one thing I know about conspiracy theories, and that is the fact that most of them are true.
Yes, they are nothing but deep truth staring in you in the face, exposed on the internet, magazines, and movies, yet masked off as fictional stories, mythology, or conspiracy theory by the people controlling your whole life events, your religion, and your media companies. But who cares, the message is now passed down to you now I am free, cos when it comes to a mouth piece of the spirts, when they (as light workers) are given a message to pass to the humans, and they refuse to do so, then it leads to their punishment, yes they are punished, it is true that; there are lots of things I am not allowed to speak in public, but there are a whole lots of others I am enforced to speak even if I wouldn’t want to,, and when I don’t, I fail in my sacred duty, and if eventually it happens that I really fail in my sacred duty and task, to be the mouthpiece of the spirits, then I will of course be punished until I reveal those things to the people it was meant for, that is the way it is, there is no other way.
So, back to point, on a normal note, sex magick was never intended to be carried out like your everyday sexual intercourse, no, to have a perfect sex magick ritual, you have to first consecrate the room, the girl needs to be in alignment with the man, the man must know his place, and the woman must know hers, her body must be preserved for a good 3 weeks with no sex, at least, same with the man, on the D-day, they must both take a bath, incense the room and surrounding, put off the electrical appliances, and use a rechargeable player to put on some spiritual classical tunes, light the candles in its appropriate manners.
Then in some cases which involves some higher rituals, the mediums must be charged and the sex spirits must be invoked, depending on the type of sex magick rituals you are interested in, perhaps you want to offer your sexual energy to the sex spirit in exchange for whatever you desire, or, you both could choose the other way, to combine your sexual energies together and then direct them towards your goals, (your thoughtforms, to charge and will that thoughts/visualization into manifestation), that is an advanced form of sex magick. It can only be practiced successfully by one with a trained and focused mind, one who oversees their subconsciousness, who is in control of their entire thoughts, and their will. If you are yet to train your mind, and your will, that is; if you are still being controlled by your own thoughts, and subconscious, then this process might be a little bit difficult for you. To learn it, you must be ready to learn the craft of the mind. Although, that is meanwhile.
However, these occult societies out there who uses sex magick in getting their victims drained in exchange for their own spiritual benefits, they do not need all those preparations above, they practice dark arts, and their motive is only to lay with the victim (the girl) then use her sexual energy to achieve their aims. I already talked about how it’s done, read the line on the 7th and 8th paragraph in this subtopic.
Then again, the girls are not their only targets, we also have such organized occult groups which members are men who are into men, that is; homosexuals. For a man to get into that occult, you have to be a homosexual, in fact it is part of their initiation rituals, to dis-virgin you first if you are a man who had never been hit through the anus before, and even if you have, you would still need to pass through the rituals of making love with your fellow man.
Now, occults such as this hunts for young men who are gay, they have them invited into their hotel rooms which mostly belongs to one of their members, so they will be allowed to sleep over with their gay victims despite the general hotel policy which doesn’t accept gay lodging, due to the fact that in this part of the world, the general gay right haven’t been approved. The main thing is, they get these young gays into hotels to have sex with them, then at same time, they collect something from them through their sex magick processes, they drain them off their sexual energy, because that is what they need to charge their rings, or spiritual mediums, they have a ritual before and after the so-called love making. With this exposure, you should now understand that the ladies are not the only gender in trouble here, the gay men are too, and they need to watch their back.
Do you know that 90% of gay men today who lay with these occult men aren’t gay by choice, rather they were recruited by some persons who were paid or hired by these occult men to convince these young men and tell them how much they could make per night just by laying with them (occult men). These hired personals do their job by connecting, or hooking them up with these rich occult men, which includes popular musicians and actors, and after that they are done, they get paid before they leave, not knowing that something else has been taken away from them.
That is why we have lots of them gay men today, even the men you do not suspect to be gay are unfortunately one, although in this context, they are gay, yes, but not by choice, instead they were deceived and enforced to become one due to poverty, they believe being one is the only way to make easy money, they taught they would do it for a while then stop after saving up big money for business investment, but ultimately they failed, because such moneys do not last, and they ended up walking back to those occult men in order to be used over and over and over again until the completely became useless.
I understand that there are many other occult groups or secret gay or lesbian clubs out there who make their members rich through organ harvesting and selling or drugs for billions of naira and dollars, and if one must become a member, it must be someone with the mind to undergo such thing, like for organ harvesting, they will ask their new member to get the kidney or private part of his/her loved one, if it is done smoothly and correctly, then the newbie will pass their initiation, and he or she will be well taken care of and given millions with exotic cars and houses, all that is to raise the persons status so he or she can use that status to fulfil their occultic plans and purpose.
But, if its drugs, the initiation is always to cross border with a hard drug undetected, and ones initiated, they become very rich because all members will contributed billions to raise his standard of living, they will get a special private planes too, especially if they are into music or pastoral, no one will search or suspect a man who claims to be of God, who claims to be the pastor of a famous church in town, of course no one will see him as a suspect, their private planes are there to do the job, either organ harvesting or hard drugs sales. That is why the members must be rich and well taken care of, that is why no matter the career they follow, they must be made the highest in that career so they can use them in turn.
Sex is an exchange of energies, but many persons today abuse this energy, and it’s causing them problems, big problems, sometimes they say they have enemies and their enemies are after them, but that’s not true, yes sometimes it is, but many times it is just an imbalance of sexual energies within them.
You see lots of time you think you have malaria, but suddenly you feel better and even if you go to the lab, they may see you have no malaria, then you start wondering what really happened. The truth is, your psychic body, that’s your spiritual body which houses your soul’s consciousness, that body at that moment when you felt really sick, its energies went imbalanced, the life force energy flowing through it, the sexual energy etc., and new sexual contact with another person whose energy doesn’t match with yours, by having sex with them you destabilize ur entire psychic body.
That can sometimes cause or affect your physical body and eventually lead to a disease in which you will be asking how the hell did you got such an illness.
I know a few hookers who come to me for serious help, they are drained, drained off their sexual energies and life force by men who used dark sex Magick practices, some don’t survive, some end up seriously sick, the origin of such illness isn’t from the physical body, it’s just all about energy manipulation. I know why I’m bringing up this topic on this day. This is the period again, when lots of life are useless and destroyed, when the life force of girls is placed into a pot, used to activate a charm that brings good luck to their users.
You need to know who you are, know what they do, and know how to protect yourself.
Today, I have given you a whole lot to digest on and trust me when I say there are lots more from where this came from, there are more inner secrets to be exposed on this topic, this is just the first volume. Always remember, that knowledge can only be power if you embrace and apply it into your life, more on this and many more will be exposed soon, stay tuned to our publication and always review our contents.
My name is Knight Fredel Ijere, I am your Mystery Teacher… - Meta-physicist, Alchemist, Pure Spiritualist.
Call or chat me up to book a session for my Guardian and Counselling on spirituality and related cases, or for a Spirit Consultation session, Palm reading and Akashic reading, we can always find the truth, no matter how deep it has gone.
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