Welcome to yet another topic from Awake Afraka Magazine, home of enlightenment and sacred knowledge. Today I am presenting you with the law of attraction, which is an important spiritual principle which has been one of the most talked about topics on YouTube videos, social media posts, blog articles and even several spiritual and religious books out there are scattered with this mesmerizing subject of our century. Someone might want to ask, ok why is the law of attraction one of the most talked about spiritual laws of nature?
Oh, of course if you read any one of those fancy books talking about this very principle of nature, then you would see how inspiring, arousing, and astounding it is, up to the extent as you read from page to page, you wouldn’t want to stop until you have divulged everything written therein. And yes, another thing is the principles presented in those books are made to appear as though it is so easy to understand and apply those principles.
I mean, come on, a law said to attract whatever it is we wish for? Thats magical, isn’t it? And anything magical is fascinating, astonishing, and exciting. So, what am I trying to say? Some of you might get it by now, but others wouldn’t, so I will spell it all out. The topic, or subject matters relating to this natural and universal law of attraction is catchy and so, if written in a beautiful style, then it would attract people of all colors and tribes, and the more readers, the more the writers smile to the bank. #smiles, you probably didn’t see that coming, I will explain:
These fancy writers do not care if what they are sharing is true or not, all they care about is the digits they earn from those works. Although, most of the aspects of their work concerning the explanation of the universal laws are exceptionally fine, it doesn’t always work exactly as they claimed, and it is a lot deeper than that, now that is where I come in. I am not a motivational speaker, or a politician, or an actor who has just retired from his acting career and decided to write a fascinating book to prove he is still relevant in the society, no, I am instead a spiritualist, a practitioner of the mystic arts, and I am acquainted with these laws, therefore, I shall explain them properly to the best of my knowledge.
Although, there may be few deeper aspects of this subject matter I would not like to conceal on a public space, because it is not allowed to share certain spiritual knowledge in public to avoid falling into the wrong hands, if you seek a personal and full course with 24/7 attention from me, then you must subscribe for the monthly discourse in order to do the needful to prove yourself worthy of this arcane knowledge, however, I shall give you an authentic extensive spiritual knowhow of this interesting topic which will help you understand this sacred principle much better, then teach you how it works, and also help you understand how it can be applied into your daily life. Yes, I shall give you all that today in this edition, and your questions to me directly either through my WhatsApp, email, messenger, IG, or via the comment section below on this magazine page, or on my Facebook timeline will be duly answered as we move along.
There exist certain principles of nature, or as I call them, “universal laws” surrounding us, they were placed there to help us keep this reality in balance, even the spiritual forces of nature and beyond respects these laws, and as you may have guessed, the law of attraction is one of those laws and has been in activity since the dawn of time. This law makes man to attract to himself what he is, it’s a law that works on its own even if you do not summon it, but by summoning this universal principle of nature, you are intentionally attempting to attract to yourself a specific kind of energy and frequency.
Okay, I do not write without an example, right, so, let me give a quick exemplary description of the situation being explained herein: So, let’s assume you are an incredibly angry man, every now and then you are always so angry, this so-called anger issues started after you lost something you are very much attached to, so you began to vex up even when its completely unreasonable. Now, because of that it now totally seems like everything around you make you angry or everyone around you is destined to make you uncomfortably angry and even your job comes out with results that make you angry.
Now, that happened because, as fact would have it, such a person would emit lower energy fields and aura around him, and the more he continues to keep up with that angry personality, the more it changes him, and the more he continues to remain on that frequency, the more he continues to attract towards himself more people or things that would make him even angrier. You may have heard of the quotes suggesting that we all should always stay positive, that is to help you build positive energy and aura around your whole being, so, in turn you would attract those people who vibrates at same positive frequencies as you.
Note here, that we can attract anything into our lives, and not just people, positive events can be attracted into our lives if we maintain a state of positivity. But this doesn’t mean negative events and people will never ever happen or come to you again if you remain positive, no, they will, from time to time, but it will now depend on you whether to give in to them or repel and maintain positivity.
Like earlier explained, this reality we call physical world is nothing but energy, all matter is energy, you taking two tablets of two different tablets together to cure an ailment because one of the tablets alone cannot do the job is actually you acting on the frequency of your medication by adding another into the one you have in order to change the frequency of the drug so it would match with the vibration of the ailment , one alone cannot meet up that vibration emitted by the illness, but the two drugs can combine and react on one another to produce a more vibrant meds that can eliminate that disease, that is just what it is.
Everything is energy, the different things you see in your room, from your fan to your television, your mat, your bed, etc. are actually different matter vibrating at different frequencies, that’s what makes red what it appears to be, and blue what you see it to be, red is not blue because the energy fields that make up both colors are vibrating on different frequencies, so a red color is basically red because the frequency it emits is perceived by your eyes as a color. Yes, that is what eyes do, it converts those numbers (frequencies) into colors, so distinct colors mean different frequencies. Same to smell, same to sound, and touch, everything is energy, everything is frequency, it’s all about the numbers.
So, you emit a particular frequency every now and then, and the frequency you emit attracts you to the frequency of the same vibration. That is the law of attraction, it is the law that governs the bringing together of matter of the same vibration together. You know when they say the law of attraction is the law that brings two lovers together, well, they were not so wrong, but they made it seem like that’s just what the law does, like that is the foundation of that law, but it isn’t, the law of attraction is much bigger than that. Now, for the part where they are right, when a man feels love for a woman, and the woman feels the same, they are both vibrating at the same frequency, and so that pulls them closer to each other, but when they start feeling hate or dislike for each other, you find them repelling against each other, and that where breakup comes in.
However, the law of attraction is much deeper than just love matters. let’s delve deeper…
Everyone from all phases of life believe they know how this world works, most which I am aware of within this neighborhood believe they know how our reality works and what’s best for everyone, their claim is originated through their belief in an imaginary being, others make the hell of noises disturbing the peace of others around their neighborhood who they perceive as non-believers, but why the noises? They claim to be worshipping their God the creator, but they style as deaf; the reason for the noises, I think.
They also believe to understand how the universe works, and they claim there is no need for technological advancement because their purpose is to worship God, yet they use those techs the most, like the equipment’s they use in disturbing the peace of the people in the neighborhood they planted their worship centers. They believe God made man so man can worship him till they die, isn’t that unreasonable?
So, in conclusion, everyone from all parts of life understands how our reality works, the question now is, who or what should we go for? Fickle beliefs, or actual facts?
Well, if I were asked to choose, I would go for the facts because even faith without direction is foolishness. With that said, the next question to ponder then pops up; “does this reality work in accordance with those facts presented by spirituality and supported by advanced exclusive science?” So, are you ready to jump down the rabbit hole with me? Okay then, let’s dig in from here:
Have you heard of the famous scientific quote which states that “everything is energy”, and “whatever we put into motion comes back with an equal and opposite reaction”, now that goes a lot deeper than that. Here is a few facts I need you to have in mind, reality is not as you see it to be, matter is only energy fields reacting and vibrating on different frequencies.
For example, let’s assume you have a red cup located on your table in front of you, and beside your cup is a spoon made of stainless steel. Now, what makes that cup red is not because it was made red by the cup manufacturing company, instead the red on the up is red because of the frequency of the energy fields it is emitting; and what makes the cup different from the spoon is not just because of how it was made, no, it is because of their difference in vibration and frequencies, if you could act on the subatomic properties of that cup by changing its vibrational frequencies to that of a spoon, then you would be transforming the red cup into a stainless spoon, it is as simple as that and it is the same with everything around you. Everything is energy, everything is vibrating on a particular frequency.
Ok that was too advanced, lets come down a little bit, let us look at your subconscious mind and your thoughtforms, your thoughts hold great power in this reality, because just as I have explained many times from older articles, whatever thoughts you hold deeply within your subconscious can be made manifest here in the physical reality because our physical world is similar to a hologram, in fact it is biological holographic reality projected into space.
Your spiritual self or consciousness is sometimes located in the 4th dimensional reality known as the astral realm, while your physical body is located here in the 3rd dimension also called the physical world, I said “sometimes” because the purer and more awakened you are, the higher your consciousness rise, beyond the 4th dimension. Okay, back to what I was saying; whatever you think of in your mind, settles and stores in the astral world cos that’s where your mind and subconscious mind is located, and will always be, unlike the consciousness of the soul, which is your spiritual self, or your actual self, the subconsciousness cannot rise beyond the fourth dimension, that’s where its meant to be, because it is needed to reflect back to the physical realm.
So, this reality we know as the physical realm is projected from the astral realm (fourth dimension), the physical reality was created and programmed in the astral realm, which use to be the physical realm of this planet because the previous inhabitants were fourth dimensional beings with fourth dimensional body’s, which you currently have too, but in the astral realm, you use this 4th dimensional body when you dream, also known as the light body, that’s the body that houses your souls consciousness, you must first be in that light body before you can be projected into a physical body at the time of birth.
I have been conscious in the astral realm 94th dimension many times, I could feel the color of the reality, more like an early morning, bright enough to let you see thing, but not s bright as day, everything you see here in the physical world has its duplicate in the astral realm, even your laptop because whoever manufactured it first thought about it, and after manufacturing it, it also formed in the astral realm, so, everything you see here, is also there in the astral realm.
That you have known this, lets continue. The astral realm is like an actual reality while the physical world was projected from it, I mean the physical world mirrors the astral realm, it is more like, the physical world being a reflection of the astral world, but in a biologically programmed holographic version, so when you dream, it is actually you waking up in the astral realm which is the actual reality, while you are awake here, you are asleep there.
There is a reason why some of your dreams seems to appear weird, and that is because of how your brain interprets what it perceives, some of the things it perceives in your dream state cannot be understood by the brain wave, so it uses other familiar materials and things to represent whatever it is trying to transfer to your wake state. And in so many other times it perceives things it cannot code, and that thing either gets lost in your wake memory, meaning you can feel the things you saw, and can understand it yet you can’t remember it. To fully get the things as they are while you were dreaming, you need to be completely conscious in the dream state, conscious of your personality in a light body, conscious of your decisions and choices and so on, but only those who are trained in the craft of spirituality can do this, to be one of those people, then join our community’s inner sanctum, known as Af’rakan Premium Hall, click here for details…
Now, it gets even more interesting when you know that the astral realm is a realm powered by your imagination and illusions, so it’s a world of make belief, whatever you imagine there comes to pass, so if your mind and subconscious mind is located there, and if our physical world is a reflection of that astral world, doesn’t that mean whatever we think in our heart comes into manifestation here in the physical reality?
Of course that is what I am trying to explain, in fact, that is an undiluted truth that should not be misunderstood by any means, so pay attention, the physical world is more denser, compressed and solid than the astral ream, and that is because its frequency was tuned down to the 3.3 dimension, then, certain limitations where included in its formation, so, if you need it to work, you got to feed your thoughts with your WILL, and then power its manifestation using either the energy we emit while we are at our happiest moment, or moment of love. Another energy that works are the lower dark energy we emit when we are very angry and sad, but do not use that, such energy is easy to corrupt one’s consciousness, they are only and always used by those who practice dark arts; trust me, it comes with prizes you do not want to pay.
I am sure you understood what I just shared, now, if you did, then now you should know that, right in between the explanations given above, the law of attraction has been explained, I will tell you how. But before we go further on that, I would like to say a thing or two about our physical world for the sake of clarity.
For those who are not so familiar with spiritual knowledge, most especially “this path of spirituality”, I would like to explain a few things to lighten you up, you see our world, the physical world and the spiritual world are on the same space, right there where you stand or sit is located someone else in the astral realm, maybe that someone might be a spirit being in their own reality, or, there where you have your house can be an open field in another realm which is where some of you here consider as spiritual world.
There are so many spiritual realms which I usually name them using the dimension of their reality, and most of you came from either one of them, the only reason you are here in the physical world is because your consciousness is locked into that physical body of yours.
For instance, this physical reality I tag as the third dimension, because it is a three dimensional reality, then the one above this physical reality is the astral realm, and it is the fourth dimension because the reality is made up of four dimensions, that is why your brain cannot code everything it perceives or detects in your dream state because your brain is three dimensional, so, there are things in the fourth dimensional reality it cannot understand.
Above this astral realm, are others, 5th, 6th, 7th dimensional realities, etc. If you have been following my works, then you would know that the 4th dimension is the world most of you all do wake up from when you dream, and it is also the reality where we have those juju-entities, and lower dark spirits, and so on, it is an actual reality on its own, that is if you can be made conscious over there. To exist there you only need a special body known as the light body, same to other dimensional realities, the light body can increase in frequencies to fit into any dimensions it rises to, but to be here in the physical realm, all you need is a 3 dimensional biological body so it can feel, taste, see, and experience everything in the physical realm which of course is a 3 dimensional biological holographic reality.
So, why am I taking these efforts to explain all about the physical and astral world to you? Okay, it is simply because, without understanding the nature of both realities, you will never know where the law of attraction comes in, or why it is needed, and how it works. By explaining how the physical world operates, its connection and nature of the astral realm, the location of our thoughtforms, and how they work; then you would understand where the law of attraction come in, how it works, and why it was programmed in the first place, along with the rest of the 12 universal principles.
So, where does the law of attraction come in from anyway? I will walk you through but do not forget these three points, that all reality shares the same time/space continuum, then, what sets them apart from one another isn’t a direct location, it is the frequency they are vibrating on. And without forgetting that the physical reality is a holographic projection of the astral realm, although with added limitations such as making the physical reality biologically programmed, and reduced frequency/dimension from four to three to create a much denser reality, and finally our subconscious mind and all our thoughts are stored in the astral realm where the physical reality was projected from, which I said, is a four dimensional reality, these major points should be well understood because they will be needed to help you understand the law of attraction and how it works, most especially if truly you want to benefit from its magical influence.
Do you know about the ancient ways of the African Ancestors? How they obtained peace in their time before the wars and disruptions of our traditional systems occurred 500 years ago, they obtained such level of peace and unity by keeping their spiritual and natural laws in check, they study these laws and so try to stay in alignment and in harmony with them, like this law of attraction has a lot of influence on their traditions and spirituality.
Through the understanding of such laws, human principles where made, such as the laws against stealing, killing, the laws of ubuntu which is now known only in some parts of South Africa today, although they just know the law but hardly do they apply and keep it, still, this principle of ubuntu which states that “I am because you are… without your existence, there would be no me” and vice versa was what kept the ancient Africa in peaceful unity amongst themselves. That law was influenced by the spiritual law of attraction, like I always say, “you attract who you are”, and that’s just it.
Have you heard of a girl crying on how she always attracts street guys for herself who always play with her emotions and eventually cheat on her. Well, that’s because of her energy fields either kept that way at that frequency by karmic law, or by her own mind and subconsciousness.
The Law of Attraction is a spiritual law suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. Here are the simple key principles and how they work:
• This principle suggests that similar things are attracted to one another. It means that people tend to attract others who are like them, and that our thoughts tend to attract related results. That is because of our energies and vibrations, the frequencies of our energies tend to always attract someone with similar frequencies. And positive thinking is believed to attract positive experiences, while negative thinking attracts negative experiences, I already explained previously concerning how that works based on my explanation on our reality and the astral world, thoughtforms, etc.
As you might know already through the previous explanations, this happens because our thoughts aren’t just nothing, they are energy, and when you form a thought in your subconscious mind, you are creating something, and if you do well, you might just make it manifest here in the physical reality.
• This principle is based on the idea that removing negative things from your life can make space for more positive things to take their place because it is impossible to have a completely empty space in your mind and life, nature as I use to say dislikes vacuum, so it’s important to fill that space with positivity. And if your mind if full of negative thoughts, and sadness, and all those negativities, then there will be no space for positive thoughts.
As I told my students once, you cannot come to me with a full cup, if you want something new, then empty the cup and there will be space to add something new into it. Same applies to your subconscious mind, if you want to begin the cultivation of positive thoughts for the benefit of aligning with the law of attraction, then you must first empty your mind of fall negative energies, and thoughts. That is the only way.
• This law of attraction focuses on the idea that there are always things you can do to improve the present moment. Instead of feeling dread or unhappiness, you should focus your energy on finding ways to make the present moment the best it can be.
I am not going to say much about this, but only to explain a few things to you, my reader. People from various online spiritual programs seem to make this law all about finding a lover. Some think that being attracted to someone you love is an expression of this law, but that is not all true.
When it comes to true love, not lust, compatibility often stems from having matching energy fields, meaning both individuals vibrate at the same frequencies. This is what I look out for when couples seek to know if they are compatible for marriage. If a man brings his lady or her picture and wants me to read her to know if both are both good to go into marriage, then I check if their energies attract each other. If they do, they are compatible. However, if one person’s energy repels the other, then they aren’t compatible.
Sometimes, two people may not realize their frequencies repel each other because they are still infatuated with each other. This makes it difficult for them to see the incompatibility. However, for me, it’s as easy as distinguishing between saltwater and freshwater fish.
• Cultivate a sense of gratitude for what you already have. This positive mindset can attract more good things into your life.
• Spend time visualizing your goals and imagining them as already achieved. This helps to align your thoughts and actions with your desired outcomes. When you do, your thoughts settle in the astral realm and begin to take form, continuous consistent visualizations, and will enforce a manifestation of your thoughtforms here in the physical world.
• Focus on the positive aspects of any situation. This shift in perspective can help attract more positive experiences.
• Become aware of negative thoughts and work to reframe them in a more positive light. This can prevent negative outcomes from manifesting.
• Repeat positive affirmations to reinforce your goals and beliefs. This practice can help to shift your mindset and attract positive results.
• When negative events occur, try to see them as opportunities for growth and learning. This positive outlook can help to attract better outcomes in the future.
While the Law of Attraction can help cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life, it’s important to recognize that it is not a magic solution for all challenges. It requires consistent effort and a genuine trust in the principles. Additionally, it’s crucial to take actionable steps towards your goals while staying positive, do not just stay on the cliff being positive and doing nothing, rather.
The Law of Attraction is a powerful philosophy that suggests our thoughts and feelings can shape our reality. Let’s delve deeper into its core principles and explore how to apply them in various areas of life.
This principle posits that similar things are attracted to one another. Positive thoughts and feelings attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts and feelings attract negative experiences.
• If you focus on success and happiness, you are more likely to attract these into your life. Conversely, dwelling on failure and negativity can bring about more of the same.
This principle suggests that removing negative things from your life creates space for positive things to enter. The universe does not allow for a void, so it’s important to fill that space with positivity.
• By letting go of negative habits, relationships, or thoughts, you make room for positive influences and opportunities to come into your life.
• This principle emphasizes that there are always things you can do to improve the present moment. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, focus on what you can do to make the present better.
• Embrace the present moment and look for ways to enhance it. This mindset shift can lead to a more fulfilling and positive life experience.
• Imagine yourself in perfect health, engaging in activities that make you feel vibrant and alive. Visualize your body healing and becoming stronger.
• Use affirmations like “I am healthy, strong, and full of energy” to reinforce positive health beliefs.
• Focus on what you appreciate about your body and health. Gratitude can shift your mindset and attract better health outcomes.
• Visualize the qualities you desire in a partner and feel the emotions of being in a loving relationship. Affirmations like “I am worthy of love and attract loving relationships” can be powerful.
• Focus on the positive aspects of your relationships and express gratitude for them. Visualize harmonious interactions and communicate openly and positively.
• Clearly define your career goals and visualize achieving them. Imagine the steps you need to take and the success you will experience.
• Replace thoughts of doubt and fear with confidence and optimism. Affirmations like “I am successful and capable of achieving my goals” can help.
• Attract positive professional relationships by being open, approachable, and supportive. Visualize yourself connecting with influential and supportive people.
• Picture yourself living in financial abundance. Visualize the lifestyle you desire and feel the emotions associated with financial freedom.
• Use affirmations such as “I am financially abundant and attract wealth easily” to reinforce a positive financial mindset.
• Be grateful for the financial resources you currently have. This can shift your focus from lack to abundance and attract more financial opportunities.
• Visualize yourself growing and improving in areas that matter to you. Imagine achieving personal milestones and becoming the best version of yourself.
• Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. For example, “I am constantly growing and evolving” can reinforce a growth mindset.
• Attract opportunities for learning and development by being open to new experiences and seeking out knowledge.
By understanding and applying these principles, you can harness the power of the Law of Attraction to create a life filled with positivity, success, and fulfillment.
Now, if you truly studied all that, then truly you are one step ahead of the way. The universe had twelve sacred principles which if one can live in harmony with it, life wouldn’t be so difficult, the problem with humans are, most of the time they violently dishonor these laws, some don’t care, others knows of their existence yet, choose to ignore, yet they cry when life becomes so difficult, then they seek some spiritual means to let it all go away, but is that how one should live? No, of course.
Being a spiritual person is keeping spiritual laws, and being in harmony with all universal principles, if you are and someone tries to harm you, they eventually harm themselves.
The law of attraction is one amongst the twelve laws of nature, or universal laws as its also called, and more of this will be published from time to time, most especially, the law of cause and effect, or maybe I shall delve into the law of correspondence, or anyone of those interesting laws of vibration. #smiles, these laws are interesting to study and if you can understand them properly, then you are, like I said, one step ahead of your journey to finding peace and harmony with all things.
Many of you wants to get close to your God, or to God in general, you want to be at peace with his creations and everything, then understanding and applying these laws into your daily life, is one step to being close to God, because God is not a person, God is a force, and if you do not follow the frequency of that energy and force, you cannot be in alignment with “the God”, the law of Oneness for instance states that everything in the universe is connected, from the grain of sand to the trees, to humans, to the cells in our body, to the ocean, the houses, the rocks, the wind, the fire, the water in your glass, the animals, etc., all are connected.
Talking about the law of oneness, have you heard of the ether? The ether is said to be ever present in all things, beings, and life forms, including no life forms, the ether is the ever-present field that connects all things. It supports the law of oneness which states that everything is connected, yes, I said it already. Every inch of the ether consists of an infinite amount of free energy.
Now, these are the greatest secrets kept from you, if science were to reveal that the ether exists. It would destroy the entire foundation of mainstream atomism and particle science, yet, denying the Ether would be like a fish denying that it is surrounded by water.
Now, that is story for another day, for the time being, kindly study the laws of attraction, and try to apply them into your daily life. Things might just change for you, depression might just lessen, or disappear entirely, health might just begin to come back to normal, you never know until you try it with all your heart and mind in it.
I hope this marvelous knowledge has added a light unto yours. See you soon on our next article and publication… Meanwhile, have you seen the knowledge exposed on fate, patterns, and destiny? That was on our previous edition, last month, please click here if you missed it… THE SECRECIES OF FATE: PATTERNS, TIME AND DESTINY – KNIGHT FREDEL – AWAKE AFRAKA MAGAZINE
Blessed Be.
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